The recipe of this spring minestrone (with brown rice) comes from the book Super Natural Cooking: Five Ways To Incorporate Whole and Natural Ingredients into Your Cooking
by Heidi Swanson. I do not have that book - yet!-, but you can find the recipe here. It's really delicious. Shallots, garlic, brown rice, snow peas, green peas, asparagus* float happily together in a homemade vegetable stock.... Even though the winter minestrone was very good, I'm so glad to have its spring version now.
* I've substituted part of the asparagus with a small Italian zucchini to make sure that my kids will eat it (and it worked)
Heu, comment on fait de la vegetable stock?
C'est tout simple : porter a' ebullition: eau + legumes (en general: carottes, oignons, celeri, poireaux, champignons) + herbes aromatiques (thym, sauge, marjolaine, laurier . Reduire sur feu doux et laisser cuire a decouvert pdt +/- 45' - 1h. Je vais faire un post prochainement tout specialement pour toi avec la recette que j'utilise, mais en pratique, tu peux vraiment mettre les ingredients que tu veux. Bises.
Pour edwige: tu peux aussi utiliser un bouillon de legumes tout fait ou un cube. Ca marche evidemment aussi.
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