
Claire's rhubarb pie

Here is one of my favorite pies. I usually eat this "tarte a' la rhubarbe" at Claire's house. My friend Claire bakes it because -1) it's her recipe, and -2) she is a wonderful baker. All her pies are always delicious. But Claire is on vacation... She has been on vacation for almost 2 months now... And I'm really craving for that pie... So I did not have any other choice than baking her pie all on my own. Good thing that Claire gave me her "secret recipe" a few years ago and that I did not lose it. Precious papers do not get lost! 

tarte a' la rhubarbe meringuee de claire
(by Claire)

1. Preparer la pate avec 250 gr de farine, 100 gr de beurre mou, 1 oeuf et 1/2 cc de sel fin, et juste assez d'eau pour travailler et lier la pate qui doit etre souple et elastique. La laisser reposer 1 h au frais pour lui faire perdre son elasticite'.
2. Pendant ce temps, laver les tiges de rhubarbe (750gr), retirer la fine pellicule qui les recouvre et tronconner les tiges en morceaux de 3 cm. Cuire les cubes de rhubarbe avec 200 gr de sucre dans une casserole a' feux doux pendant 15 minutes environ. Egoutter la rhubarbe dans un tamis fin.
3. Etaler la pate reposee au rouleau et en garnir un moule a' tarte beurre'. Piquer le fond de la tarte a' la fourchette avant de la recouvrir avec la rhubarbe egouttee et laisser en attente.
4. Dans une terrine, travailler 2 jaunes d'oeuf avec 100 gr de sucre jusqu'a' ce que le melande blanchisse. Ajouter 30 gr de farine, une bonne pincee de levure chimique et delayer le tout avec 2 CS de lait. Battre les 2 blancs en neige ferme et les incorporer delictamenent au melange. Etaler cette meringue sur la rhubarbe.
5. Cuire au four prechauffe' a' th 5 1/2 - 390F pendant environ 3o minutes.
6. Servire tiede saupoudree de sucre glace si vous aimez.


claire's rhubarb pie
(by Claire)

1. Make the dough with 250 gr all-purpose flour, 100 gr softened butter, 1 egg, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and just enough water to work the dough together. At that point, the dough should be elastic. Let stand for about 1 hours so that the dough looses its elasticity.
2. Meanwhile, wash the rhubarb stalks (750gr), remove the thin film covering them, and cut the stalks into 3 cm pieces. Cook the diced rhubarb with 200 gr sugar in a saucepan over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes. Drain the rhubarb through a fine sieve.
3. Roll out the dough onto a floured surface with a roll pan and put it into a buttered baking dish. Prick the bottom of the pie with a fork. Cover with the drained rhubarb and set aside.
4. In a bowl, whisk 2 egg yolks with 100 gr sugar until creamy. Add 30 gr flour, a pinch of baking powder, and 2 tbs milk. Beat 2 egg whites until stiff and incorporate gently to the mixture. Spread the so-called meringue over the rhubarb.
5. Bake in preheated oven  at 390E for about 3o minutes.
6. Serve at room temperature, dusted with powdered sugar if you like.

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